New PR
Just like hills sometimes
Seem lower and gentler than
Other times, sometimes
The barbell feels light despite
The plates on it. Like today.
New PR
Just like hills sometimes
Seem lower and gentler than
Other times, sometimes
The barbell feels light despite
The plates on it. Like today.
At Capacity
The taproom hostess
Told us, “Sorry, the room is
At capacity.”
I felt like saying, “I found
A new limit today too.”
There’s no bad weather,
Only bad clothing, but still
I love when I time
My commutes so that I dodge
The rain coming and going.
Quiet Evening
Somehow, some evenings
Allow sitting in a chair,
Reading the paper,
Sipping a beer, talking with
The girls about everything.
Wild Time Machine
Don’t waste time travel
On meeting the dead. Instead:
Wisconsinan ice,
Beringian animals,
Lake Agassiz outflowing.
No Brakes
Mountain biking seems
To mostly be not braking.
Look ahead, pick lines,
Lean more than feels right, grimace,
Pretend the levers don’t work.
Birthday Workout
I’m sure I younged by
Grunting through all four rounds of
13 burpees (clap!),
17 thrusters (lock out!),
44 lunge jumps (tap knees!).
Coffee and Cream
Cream meets coffee like
A thunderhead gathering
A rose petaling
Birds rising from the marsh grass
Dust swirling on the gravel
Rainy Day Dog Bite
On a rainy day
I get an itch on my knee
Where that goddamn dog
Bit me while I rode my bike.
Blood ran through the sweat and dust.
1992 in my ears
Which neurons can be
Blamed or thanked for conjuring
A line from a song
I’ve loved since I was nineteen:
What a life a mess can be.