Miss Councilwoman

Miss Councilwoman

Last week, just a day or two after the first day of school, Julia said that she’d decided to run for her elementary school’s student council, which gets to work on some of the fun all-school events throughout the year. Her class (and, I’m guessing, the other fourth grade classes as well as the fifth-grade classes) could elect one boy and one girl to the council. Each candidate had to give a short speech, which Julia read and practiced this week. The election was held today, and Julia was elected! She was very happy, and – I hope – proud of her accomplishment. I know I am proud of her!

True to her personality, she started musing about what she’d get to do on the council. "I wish we could meet more often than just once a month. And it would be fun to be talk about more important stuff!"

Next year, kiddo. Or when you’re president.

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