All right, friends. This blog has been awfully quiet for a while now, but I’m going to break the silence with another post on Shannon’s book.
As you know if you’ve recently read this blog or her own blog, you know that her book – The Essential Stay-at-Home Mom Manual – was published last month. Right now it’s available only through Barnes & Noble as an e-book for their “Nook” reader, but later this month the book will also be published in the traditional format (and be available in other e-book formats). Right now, the Nook version is available for just $5, which is a great price (if I do say so myself).
That’s the plug. Here’s the request: if you are a stay-at-home-mother or know one (maybe you’re married to one!), please go buy the book! Like I said, it’s pretty inexpensive, and I think you’ll enjoy the book on several levels – for advice, for tips and tricks, for hearing a voice that knows the experience of a stay-at-home mom. And if you do buy it and like it, please post a brief review on the book’s B&N webpage. Positive reviews will help raise the book’s profile as we get closer to the full launch (and, frankly, stick it to the jerks who are posting illiterate, uninformed negative reviews. Constructive criticism or polite disagreement, we can handle, but five-word smears? No thanks).
Thank you!
In return, I promise I’ll help you (or your loved ones) when you publish a book, okay?
You can go ahead and spell out the reality, which is that we are having trouble with a troll reviewer or perhaps two on my book’s Barnes & Noble page, who clearly have an axe to grind with me, and are putting up bogus 1-star reviews as fast as REAL readers/commenters put up positive reviews. I have a feeling I know who this is or these are, and be assured that my publisher, book publicist, and others are investigating, but in the meantime the phony “reviews” are lowering my ratings average. However, it’s pretty clear if you read all the comments that the 1-stars are suspicious and fake, so I doubt it will hurt my book sales. Some people just have too much time on their sad, useless hands.