In our three days in the Copper Country, I want more than anything else to soak up the atmosphere – warm days, cool nights, forests, the lake, lots of stars, surprisingly cool towns – and to hang out with my mom, my sister, and her two kids.
But I also want to make sure that Julia and Genevieve get to have a few particular experiences of the Copper Country:
- See two of the houses that I lived in – one in Ironwood, on the way north, the other in Hancock.
- Drive over and admire the Portage Lake Lift Bridge, which is pretty amazing.
- Walk in some real woods – not one of these little ten-acre thickets down here.
- Enjoy the Big Lake: look at it, dip their feet in it, collect rocks (maybe even agates) created by it…
- Eat square-cut pizza at the Ambassador in Houghton.
- Stop at the lookout on Quincy Hill.
- Eat pasties where they were perfected. (Sorry, Cornwall.)
Waterfall hunting? 🙂
Steve and I had a great time in Copper Country last year. Our favorites were: the state park and old fort at Copper Harbor, where they sometimes have actors playing the roles of fort inhabitants, the copper mine tour (possibly too cold and scary for the girls), the weird ghost-town of Calumet, which has a nice restaurant/bar, the wonderful downtown library on the river in Houghton and the tea room in Houghton. Have a great trip!