Somehow, my cell phone number has been acquired by a shady-sounding “taxation services” company. Several times a day – four times today, twice yesterday, four times last Tuesday, three times last Monday, et cetera et cetera, going back to the 16th of April – I get a call from either “unknown” or 310-846-9190 (an L.A.-area number) and then a badly-recorded message saying that I’d left my contact information on their website and asking me to call back to get their help with my tax debt. (Needless to say, I have no “tax debt.”)
I have actually answered the call three time. Once, the person asked if “Christine” was there; another time, a different male asked for “Christian;” and the third time a male simply said, “Hello? Hello?” when I didn’t say anything.
So this is all very annoying. Still, I was surprised to find, on Googling that phone number, that quite a few other people are also getting calls from the same phony-seeming company. I guess I should report the calls to the California attorney general – Jerry Brown for the win? – but, honestly, should I bother? Is this kind of crap just the cost of modern life?