Last week, I realized that – except for a short work meeting in the next town (a nice enough place, but hardly a destination) I’ve been outside Northfield only once since October 2009. No wonder I’m going stir crazy.
July 2009
July 8-10: took business trip to upstate New York
July 20: attended morning workshop in St. Paul, afternoon visit with friends in Minneapolis
August 2009
August 13-15: took family trip to Moorhead
August 26: biked to Faribault
September 2009
September 5: saw friends in Minneapolis
September 15: went to work meeting in St. Paul
September 18: biked to Kenyon, Minnesota
October 2009
October 4: saw friends in Rochester, Minnesota
November 2009
no trips outside Northfield
December 2009
no trips outside Northfield
January 2010
no trips outside Northfield
February 2010
February 7: raced the City of Lakes Loppet in Minneapolis
February 22: attended work meeting in Faribault
March 2010
no trips outside Northfield
April 2010
two work-related trips scheduled, to St. Paul and Collegeville, Minnesota
Against this backdrop, that possible business trip to Grinnell, Iowa, in July is looking awfully tempting.