Following a chain of links, I came across the website of Bliz Eyewear, which the almighty internet says is “the leading mid-price eyewear company in Scandinavia.” Nothing remarkable, really, except that all of the company’s shades are named after cities in Michigan, including the two towns where I (mostly) grew up.
Here are the shades named for the town where I went to high school:

Here are shades named for the town where I spend the third through seventh grades:

Though my personal “style” (sneer quotes emphatically required) is probably as far from including aviator sunglasses as any person’s can be, part of me would love to have a pair of shades named for a where I grew up. Plus, then I’d look like Tord Asle Gjerdalen, a Norwegian cross-country ski racer who perversely insists on wearing aviators (perhaps even Bliz!) while everyone else wears crazy sport goggles.
As much as I love the aves, only Tord Asle can pull them off. Stick with the Rudy’s….although those are probably 2x more expensive than those aviators.
Also, Gjerdalen does indeed have a contract with Bliz. So, you would indeed be wearing the same glasses as he does.
Nice detecting, Luke. Certainly the price is right for my Rudys – I won ’em in a trivia contest. Not as cool as the early ’90s Brikos I had and lost, though…
Ah give it a try – you know you want to!