Within ten minutes of the girls’ waking up this morning, Julia had asked me, with great concern, whether her underwear was on backwards, and Genevieve had told me, with great certainty, that she had asked for “Obama to watch me” while she slept, substituting for the stuffed animal friends who usually do this.
How can the day get any weirder than this?
I hear ya – Obama has really permeated the kids’ noosphere. Linnea was saying yesterday that she “was glad Obama was black.” When I asked her what she meant, she just shrugged.
I love how kids’ minds work! I think I mentioned this before, but when Marie was Vivi’s age, she went through a 2 month period when she cried every night because she wanted firefighters to tuck her in.
Girl’s underwear is weird. They lack that simple fly trapdoor to signal “This side front.” I put my girl’s underwear on them backwards more than once when they were wee ones.
I agree that girls’ underwear defies logic. In this case, the logician inflicted the backwards drawers on herself, as she frequently does.
P.S. I’m glad that your sentence included the critical “them” pronoun.
In Rocky Horror, I managed to get the girl’s underwear on correctly each night. No, “them” in that sentence. It was all me.