Vivi and Julia’s nightly viewing of the Sacred YouTube Nativity Video is leading to a number of interesting situations, including the girls’ evolving ability to “play nativity” by reciting the whole goddamn thing. (Is that blasphemous? Can I blaspheme against Google?)
Vivi, of course, can’t say more than a few key phrases, such as “I need a room!” but tonight she took a stab at trying to say, “Son of God.” It came out as “Mun of Dog.”
Mun of Dog!
That video is so wacky. How many of the 7,554 views were your daughters’, do you think? They must have a whole different take on Lego products, too…
That whole lego nativity thing is hysterical. I’d like to see them act it out sometime.
Mun of Dog – when did she learn Klingon?
I just watched that video for the first time, and must say it’s eerily disturbing and funny all at the same time. Loved the “Monty Python” joke in the middle. If my husband made snapping noises when we ran, I’d have him see a doctor.
Oh I wish my next time watching that video was my first time watching it. The little click-click of their feet as they walk around is burned into my brain. Honestly, though, I missed the “Monty Python” joke – wha?
(For extra fun, read the painfully earnest comments by other viewers. I should post one from Julia and Genevieve…)
Joke: when the soldiers are listening to Herod and one keeps hiccuping. Then the other finally says “Oh, go get a drink of water!” That’s right out of Holy Grail.
I did read a few earnest comments but I could read no further because it made me kind of sad and a little frustrated with the state of American humanity with swirling thoughts about the lowest common denominator and it was all too much for 7:30 in the morning.
I finally watched the whole thing too. I’m verklempt.