
Over the weekend, Julia and Genevieve and I went to a small little playground tucked away at the northern end of Sibley Swale Park here in Northfield. It’s a gorgeous setting: ringed by trees but open to the sky, shady but not dark, grassy but not just a field, quiet but not somnolent. The girls love the place. Some days, they like to go up and down the play structure. Other days, like Saturday, they like to swing.
Vivi Swinging
Vivi Swinging
Julia Swinging
Julia Swinging

6 thoughts on “Swang”

  1. VV does not look impressed! Absolutely beautiful blue sky and perfectly green trees. Looks like a beautiful day 🙂

  2. Vv is just playing it cool. She hates to let on that she’s enjoying something for fear she’ll have to continue to do it for .00001 seconds past the point at which she no longer is enjoying it. (She was also confused as to why I was crouching right where she was going to swing…)

    We’ve been to Cherry Park, but only long ago. We should go there again!

  3. Do they make you do underdog?

    Will, when he was little, had a little chant for when he was being pushed on the swing, It went like this: “Push…bone…chicken…bone…push…boney bone bone.”

    Kids are odd.

  4. I can’t do underdog yet because both are slightly too unsteady in their swings to enjoy it. And I need to find higher swings!

    I agree that kids are odd, though Will’s mantra is fantastic proof!

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