Said by me to Genevieve as she played with the Playmobil nativity-scene toys: “You’re sitting on Jesus.”
I think the same thing happened to Him in seventh grade at Bethlehem Junior High.
Said by me to Genevieve as she played with the Playmobil nativity-scene toys: “You’re sitting on Jesus.”
I think the same thing happened to Him in seventh grade at Bethlehem Junior High.
Ha! Yeah, I’ll bet that happened to him at least a few times…
I may have posted this here before, but not sure – last winter I had a sibling pair at work who were playing Nativity – well, the sister was, but I’m not sure the brother was, because he grabbed “Jesus” and shouted, “I’m cooking Jesus!!” as he stuffed him into the toy kitchen microwave. I had to stifle my laughter for an hour.