Monday, March 27, 2006

Discoveries Made Over the Weekend

Number one:
Being generously relieved by one's husband of almost all child-care duties for the weekend isn't nearly as restorative and refreshing as it sounds, if one is, in fact, totally pregnancy-sick the entire weekend long (at 17 weeks, no less! How ridiculous!). BOO HISS! (But thank you Christopher anyway.)

Number two:
It is HILARIOUS to listen, over the baby monitor, to your toddler talk herself to sleep by, apparently, reciting a little list of everyone she knows who poops. (Incidentally, we don't even have that book, Everyone Poops, or whatever it's called, that is designed to teach toddlers about potty training. This came from the recesses of her very own little brain.) You know, "Baby.....poop. Daddy......poop. Boppa [one of her grandpas, with whom she is obsessed].....poop. Bee-ah [her beloved cousin, Brea]......poop." And then, just for the fun of it: "poop, poop, poop, poop." Then nothing. Asleep.


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