Sunday, February 26, 2006

I'm Nome Idiot

Almost as often as Julia can make me feel entertained or awestruck by some new action, word, idea, she can make me feel stupid for totally not getting something that turns out to be clear as glass. Yesterday we were looking at a book of fairy tales. She abruptly closed it and walked purposefully away, saying, "Nome! Nome!" She was very adamant about it, and I felt bad because I had no idea what she meant, thinking, "What on earth does Alaska have to do with that book?" I even asked Julia's mom if she knew what "nome" was. Nope. Then, tonight, after resolving a different paternal-comprehension issue, I helped her put on her favorite hat, a rainbow striped, conical thing she calls "momo" ( = "rainbow"). When momo was properly on her head - standing straight up in a highly elfin way - she solved the mystery and administered a big dose of "duh" by saying, clearly and triumphantly, "Gnome! Gnome!"


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