Sunday, January 29, 2006

Ouroboros, Anyone?

From a history textbook I read this evening:
This was not an era of great political reform or statesmanship. Mainstream political life was characterized more by the evasion than the solution of problems, by corruption rather than idealism, by electoral battles contested more for patronage than for principles.
The authors are talking about America between 1870 annd the mid-1890s. Kinda.

(Pauline Maier, Merritt Roe Smith, Alexander Keyssar, and Daniel J. Kevles, Inventing America: A History of the United States [New York: WW Norton, 2003], 628.)


Emil said...

It's creepy how much of the history from that period we're seeing repeat. I'm just not sure where it's going to go from here - are we going to see the middle class revolution turn inside out, or is this simply a part of the natural cycle of (consciously) discursive societies?

By the way - found your blog through Kyle's. I'm hoping to join you in the bliss that is getting out of this place soon...

11:15 AM  

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