Everything Is Illuminated

I left the house a little bit unprepared for my ski-borne constitutional tonight in the Arb, forgetting both my eyewear (clear-lensed "sunglasses" that are invaluable for preventing frosted contacts) and my headlamp. Too lazy to go back and get them, I hit the trails anyhow, and discovered that while our ice fog makes for terrible weather (freezing and humid? no thanks), it does a great job as a gaffer. The light from streetlights, passing cars and trucks, and campus buildings was reflected and diffused by the fog so well that pretty much every meter of the trails was a skiable gray color. The purple-blue sky was starless but glowing with the groundlight. Even trees were discernibly earth-toned, rather than undifferentiated black.

Forecast: Significant blowing and drifting, with the possibility of heavy accumulation in rural areas.