Why Let the Designers Have All the Fun?

With little else (RADIOHEADRADIOHEADRADIOHEAD) to blog about today, let me just share this picture (annotated on Flickr) of my office, new and improved with more desk space, some good shelves, and two monitors.

Having worked on the two-monitor setup for a week now, I have to say that it's an incredible boon: the simple ability to have a spreadsheet open on one monitor and a text document open on the other makes it well worth the time and effort of requesting the second screen, setting the pair up, tweaking Windows' settings, et cetera. I highly recommend asking for a second monitor, if you work somewhere that's amenable to it. The productivity gains are real. And it looks neat, too.

Office Space

Forecast: Significant blowing and drifting, with the possibility of heavy accumulation in rural areas.