Rained Out the Door

We're in our fourth straight day of appreciable rainfall today, which is - besides making the mushrooms sprout - turning the low spots into puddles and making the turf squishy as sponges. The fall term is well and truly on the way at the college: biking at at eight each morning, I have to weave my way through a long line of football players trooping toward the cafeteria with that intentional slothfulness of athletes facing two-a-day practices. 

At work, we're building toward the usual fall peak, when we'll be sending out a few proposals a week for a couple months. My red pen will be well used. Shannon brought the girls up to campus at the end of the day, which was a wonderful surprise. There's nothing like holding your two kids to take the edge off the day.

After those same two girls were in bed, I headed out for one of the odder runs I've every taken. Within a minute of departing, a huge thunderclap sounded, and a few seconds later a picture-perfect lightning bolt struck a ridge off to the north. Instantly, a downpour started - but only on the other side of the street from the sidewalk where I was running. I'd barely had time to marvel at this meteorological strangeness before the rain crossed the street and hit me. I ran through this torrent for the next ten minutes, and then it petered out in a few peals of thunder. I was soaked and happy; running in 100% humidity sure beats running in 98% humidity.

Forecast: Significant blowing and drifting, with the possibility of heavy accumulation in rural areas.