Not Attired of the Question

Whenever she hears about someone whom she doesn't know, especially someone who is clearly an adult and/or somehow like Shannon or me, Julia asks a series of questions to get a general sense of the person (man/woman, parent/nonparent, name, and so forth) and then always follows up by asking, bizarrely and hilariously, "Do he have glasses on?" Actually, she says it all in one word-query: "Duzeehavegasseseon?"

Apart from the fact that Shannon and I both wear glasses (or contacts), I really don't know where Julia acquired this obsession with whether a person out there in the world does or does not wear glasses, or what her toddler brain does with the information. She doesn't seem either pleased or displeased to learn that John Doe or Jane Roe does or does not wear glasses, just satisfied to know. 

Forecast: Significant blowing and drifting, with the possibility of heavy accumulation in rural areas.