Blowing & Drifting

Forecast: Significant blowing and drifting, with the possibility of heavy accumulation in rural areas.

March 3, 2007

Back in March, I skied in a small, fun relay race at Carleton, a fund-raiser for the nordic ski club. It was my first race in a dozen years, and while I didn't go fast, I did have a blast. Turns out that Shout, a student-run web magazine at Carleton, wrote about the race way back then, and even put up a few photos, like this fine shot featuring my team's scramble-leg racer (in the tutu) and me, in the green jacket - which was not part of my racing outfit. (The guy to the right, wearing bib 151, raced shirtless. He was the fastest skier by far, doing three laps on two different teams.) The photographer was too wimpy to get out in the woods for some action shots, like when I misjudged the density of a little crest of snow and fell over it rather than skiing through it. Next year, with hopefully a solid summer and fall of training behind me, I'll be in form to do my best Tobias Angerer impression.