Blowing & Drifting

Forecast: Significant blowing and drifting, with the possibility of heavy accumulation in rural areas.

Happy Mother's Day Good Night

Shannon summarized the excellent day, and the wonderful weekend, already, so I'll just note two "fings," as Julia would say. (The girl talks like a 30-year old, which I suppose makes sense give n whom she listens to all day: during one conversation this afternoon, she prefaced some statements by saying, "One more fing, Daddy..."

First and foremost, Genevieve started to crawl on Saturday. By Sunday afternoon she could zoom across a six-foot gap in no time at all - and certainly much less time than Julia needed to get away. Her default destination is always Julia, and her default goal is always just to get what Julia's playing with.

Second, Julia capped the day (which reached its nadir around five p.m., at which time a substantial tantrum started) with a wonderful question. Tucking her into her bed, I whispered, "Good night, honey." With her head already on her pillow and her eyes already closed, she whispered back, "Daddy, is this Happy Mother's Day good night?" I told her it was.