
Washing her hands before breakfast on Tuesday - the day of her long-awaited preschool field trip to River Bend Nature Center - Julia blurted happily, "Tomorrow is my field trip day!"

Accustomed to her post-wakeup disorientation, I corrected her: "No, honey, it's today! Today is Tuesday - preschool day! The field trip is today!"

She scowled up at me. (The girl has a killer scowl: I pity the first boy/girlfriend to get pinned to the wall with that look. It's 100% from her mother.) "No, Daddy, the field trip is tomorrow. Today is Tues..." She trailed off, scrubbing at her hands.

I  jumped in again: "The field trip is today!"

More scowl as she finished rinsing her hands. "Daddy, you're wrong. Why did you say the field trip is tomorrow? It's today. Tuesday is today - preschool day, Daddy."

Forecast: Significant blowing and drifting, with the possibility of heavy accumulation in rural areas.