TGIF, Sorta

This, friends and readers, has been a bad week. Being sick, having too much to do at work, having the rest of my family be sick, missing tons of work hours, having some of the rest of my family get better, working until late every night on stuff that didn't get done during the day, seeing the most important member of the family get sicker, handling all kinds of nonsense for the online course I'm teaching at Metro State (including not one, not two, but three students who submitted papers or exams that were literally nothing but materials stolen from the web - no citations, no quotations), staying ridiculously late today to shepherd a proposal to submission 14 minutes before the deadline, and now, worst of all, using this usually bright and cheery blog to whine in public.

We don't have any liquor in the house, but we do have some sherbet.

Forecast: Significant blowing and drifting, with the possibility of heavy accumulation in rural areas.