Blowing & Drifting

Forecast: Significant blowing and drifting, with the possibility of heavy accumulation in rural areas.

Springing Ahead

Spring is officially here: the ice has completely melted on Lake Heywood (the tiny, manmade pond at the end of our block), and even the biggest snowbank from last month's storms is now gone. This morning, Julia and I watched a massive fog bank roll down the ridge to the south, cutting off a few minutes of sunshine and presaging a gray day that ended after dinner in one of those long pelting spring rains.

But 58-degree temperatures can't be passed up, so Julia and I went through the afternoon haze to good old Central Park, where there were 32 other kids and adults enjoying the playground equipment. Thirty-two! Julia amazed me and herself by climbing smoothly and ably up ladders and jungle-gyms that she couldn't even try last fall. Getting a bit overconfident, though, she did fall off a step and land on her back. Tears, a bruise, and then up and running again, making "rock angels" in the gravel and going back up the "snake ladder."
