Blowing & Drifting

Forecast: Significant blowing and drifting, with the possibility of heavy accumulation in rural areas.

Making a Mocsery

It's too late for any kind of meaningful blog post tonight, so instead I'll merely observe that spring is officially underway, with all the usual clothing now appearing around campus and even in Richfield strip malls like the one where I had a meeting today. The most unusual clothing choice I've seen so far this spring is Minnetonka moccasins, worn by more than one undergrad woman.

I hadn't thought of them in years, but now I remember a certain poster for the brand in a shoe shop along the highway up to the U.P. from St. Paul. We'd drive by the shop every time I went between college and home, and I was always struck by the ridiculous, hideous cartoon "squaw" with her eyes closed, a big smile on her beet-red face, a papoose peeking over one shoulder, and bead-adorned mocs on her feet.