Blowing & Drifting

Forecast: Significant blowing and drifting, with the possibility of heavy accumulation in rural areas.

Unreal Estate

If it were two months later, I'd suspect a prank, but this seems authentic, and should make anyone this side of the homeless feel better about their own real-estate situations:

A flat roughly the size of a snooker table has gone on sale for £170,000 [about $335,000 US] in London's upmarket Chelsea. The former janitor's storeroom measures 11ft by 7ft and has a cupboard place for a shower and kitchenette area. Potential buyers can expect to fork out an extra £30,000 [about $59,000 US] to make the room habitable as there is no lighting and it is full of rubble.

Via Boing-Boing, which also has a plan for making the space "inhabitable" (by a human).