Indoor Recreation 

Unwilling to sear my lungs (and lose my fingertips) with an outdoor workout today, I went to the Carleton Rec Center to run around the track for a while. It was actually quite a good place to do some interval work, in part because I could watch a dozen undergrads play cricket on the multipurpose floor inside the track loop. Halfway through my second interval, though, the cricket ball escaped, and the "catcher" (I'm too lazy to look up the actual position names), in chasing it down, pushed the heavy, weighted dividing curtain right into my knee. Thanks, dude!

On the plus side, I swung by the "Muni" on the way home and picked up a six-pack of Bell's Best Brown Ale. Beer! In my house!

Forecast: Significant blowing and drifting, with the possibility of heavy accumulation in rural areas.