
Prior to this trip to Moorhead, the girls had only stayed in a hotel once, when we were stranded by a colossal snowstorm in Rogers, Minnesota, as we tried to get home after spending Christmas in Moorhead. They were really little then, so it didn’t go well.

This stay went much better. They enjoyed the novelty of having a hotel room* and they really enjoyed the pool. Shannon and I really enjoyed the way the pool made them so tired they were asleep by 6:30 on Saturday night.
Hotel Sleepers

* They both had many, many questions about just how this whole hotel thing worked, ranging from whether we had to stay in the same room each day to why we had to leave at all. Worldly, my children are not.

One thought on “Sleepers”

  1. My girls, when little, LOVED hotels! It was utterly exotic and luxurious to them. But there was always a fight about who had to sleep on the roll away. So usually I did. Whatever it takes to get everyone to sleep.

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