A Great Day

Today, for the first time in 15 years – since the day after we graduated from Macalester – I saw our good friend Donna, who was passing through town (well, through the Twin Cities) on her way to a conference. We couldn’t cover every bit of the past 15 years in our day together, but it was still a pretty great time, and we’re glad she came down to see us, to see the town, and to meet the girls.

For me, the highlight of the day was Donna’s Skype call to her kids back in Hawaii, during which our kids traded knock-knock jokes. It was hilarious – even if Hawaii and Minnesota share the exact same repertoires of knock-knock jokes. Before that, Julia took what she described as “perfect” picture of the three of us. If nothing else, it proves we all look just as good as we did the last time we were together:
Group Portraits - 1

2 thoughts on “A Great Day”

  1. love this.

    Although slightly disappointed that Hawaii doesn’t have a better class of knock-knock jokes than we do here in the non-tropical portion of the States.

    Not even a good volcano knock-knock?

    Keep digging.

  2. Awesome day. I had a blast. Thank you for hosting me and for treating me to lunch!

    (And I am ignoring Gae’s comment.)

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