Grinnell Scenery

I saw lots of great stuff in or near Grinnell today, both during an excellent tour of the Conard Environmental Research Area, Grinnell’s natural preserve, and afterwards, around campus.

Oak savannah on the south side of Conard.
Conard Oak Savannah

Ants on the underside of an oak leaf, harvesting sugar-rich fluids secreted by the tiny aphids which the ants “farm” and which gorge on the leaf veins.
Ants Farming Aphids

The Environmental Education Center building in the middle of Grinnell’s Conard Environmental Research Area, with the “Prairie Cairn” by Andy Goldsworthy in the foreground.
Conard Lab and Prairie Cairn

The summer-evening sky above the Rathje dorm, at the northeast corner of campus.
Dorm Sky

The sunset the trees around MacEachron Field on the north side of campus.
Grinnell Sunset

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