Pop Cultcha (Better Late Than Never)

For a number of reasons, I spent today wallowing in pop culture – not all of it the very most current stuff, but all undeniably poppy. Starting low and ending high…

The Hills
At the gym this morning, I watched an episode of The Hills, the MTV “reality” show. Even with closed-captioning, the show seemed just as bad as I’d heard: interchangeable slick young women shopping with each other and emoting over interchangeable scruffy young men.

Vampire Weekend, “Horchata”
I have no idea what this song is really about, except or unless it’s about just feelin’ good, but the tune is insanely catchy. “Here comes a feeling you thought you’d forgotten…”

(The song reminds me of another catchy, slightly off-kilter song, Atlas Sound’s “Walkabout,” that also gets lodged in your head.)

Date Night
The Tina Fey-Steve Carell flick is pretty funny, and not a bad action movie, either. There were a few scenes, and especially a few exchanges between the main characters, that were a little too familiar to be entertaining, much less funny. I’ll go with “uncomfortablizing” as the best descriptor.

The Wire
I know this is a good show, but I’ve been putting off actually watching it for a long time. I finally broke down and watched the first three episodes, which I found to be as good as everybody’s said, and at least as good as my personal gold standard for TV, The Sopranos. I’m eager to watch the rest of season 1, and pleased I have four more seasons to go after that.

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