Ten Signs the School Year Is Nigh

Ten signs that the start of the school year is nigh:

  1. Big and small clusters of athletes are wandering between the sports facilities, the dining hall, and the dorms.
  2. The faculty members who have been contemplating those distant September grant-proposal deadlines are now either fishing or cutting bait.
  3. The squirrels are aggressively securing every acorn they can.
  4. The grounds crews are working at 125% speed getting everything ready for the arrival of the new students and their donors parents.
  5. Staff on part-year contracts are suddenly back in our midsts.
  6. The hungry and the thirsty wander past the snack bar all afternoon, reflecting on the injustice of its closing just after lunch each afternoon.
  7. Rather than getting a dozen email messages on a busy summer day, I’m getting that many in a busy hour.
  8. Colossal stacks of textbooks are making the lower level of the bookstore into a pyromaniac’s dream.
  9. I’m obsessively checking and re-checking the dates on which we’re supposed to be notified about the results of springtime grant submissions.
  10. The oaks are slowly losing their lustrous green.

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