Carleton Summer Sights

It’s verrrry quiet around campus these days, so it takes a while to accumulate a meaningful (if small) number of unusual experiences, such as

  • The deep, deep quiet of just about any academic-building hallway you’d care to walk through. When the AC is the loudest thing you can hear, it’s pretty quiet.
  • Two technicians repairing the floor underneath the climbing wall in the Rec Center. I know that it needs to be cushiony in case some butterfingered mountaineer falls off the wall, but jeepus: they were laying down a lot of thick rubbery padding.
  • The jungly growth of the community garden between CMC and Olin. Holy produce! You can’t actually see over it anymore, once you’re up close. In case you didn’t know, anyone is welcome to help themselves to anything that’s ripe. Or that attacks you when you approach it.
  • A campus tour being conducted by two student guides for one adolescent tourer. Personal service, anyone?
  • Two guys filming themselves as they jumped onto and off of picnic tables on the Bald Spot. Geeky parkour?
  • A muskrat on the bridge between the Lyman Lakes. When I walked up on him (her?), I received only a cold stare. I let the creature trundle back into the water before I proceeded over the bridge. I hear that a muskrat will kill a man just to watch him die.

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