Tour de Francing

While I was out east, the city paved the new bike path that runs directly behind our house and connects us – finally! – to the rest of the city’s sidewalk grid. The girls were happy to ride on the path. As we ferried the bikes to the path, Julia announced that she “loooooves Tour de Francing.” Here they are, poised to start the trip to Prairie Street, two-thirds of a mile to the west.
Tour de Francers

I dunno about you, but going one and a third miles on a tricycle is not my idea of fun. Perhaps that’s why, halfway through the trek, Vivi had to stop to “shake out my wegs.”

Tour de Francing from Christopher Tassava on Vimeo.

After this little routine, she resumed the trip, which went very well. Maybe we’ll even be able to bike to the swimming pool this summer!

2 thoughts on “Tour de Francing”

  1. Cute! And indeed that is quite a major undertaking on a tricycle and even on a youth bike that only moves forward while one is pedaling.

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