I think I’m a little bit worn out, after yesterday’s frenzy of texting, Facebook posting, and blogging – just on the production end of things. Today was all about consumption, and here are three things worth your time.
The new president, working in the Oval Office (from a slideshow by the Chicago Tribune):

Elizabeth Alexander’s brilliant inauguration poem, “Praise Song for the Day.” The last lines get me:
In today's sharp sparkle, this winter air, any thing can be made, any sentence begun. On the brink, on the brim, on the cusp, praise song for walking forward in that light.
My friend Rob Hardy’s equally brilliant response poem, “Praise Song for January 21, 2009.” Again, the last lines:
Today is a new day,
like any other.
Today we must stop
congratulating ourselves.
Today we must stop saying
that history’s been made.
We must start making it.
Things are better today than they were on Monday night, or even on Tuesday night. On the brink, on the brim, on the cusp…
Absolutely, to all of it.