On the spur of the moment, I took Julia and Genevieve to a nearby farm for “National Alpaca Farm Day” this afternoon.
I’m not kidding.
The girls had a blast, and as it happened, two of the other three playdate families were there, too, so the farm was swarming with squealing kids who loved the alpacas (so soft!)

the pygmy goats (they ate dry leaves!)

and even the cows.

The fauna was interesting, but the flora was nice, too.

How do you get the girls to regularly wear sunglasses? Mine just ripped them off, couldn’t stand them.
We spent the day cleaning Daddy’s truck for his birthday.
For sunglasses, I find that glue works best on Julia, but binder clips and rubber bands for Genevieve.
I am sooo glad the girls had a blast! It was wonderful to have so many little ones all there at the same time asking questions and enjoying the animals as much as we do!