This video has been floating around my computer’s desktop for a couple months, but it still accurately shows the hijinks that typically ensue as dinner winds down. Among other things, the video (in about three minutes) captures the dynamics between Vivi and Julia and it shows Vivi trying out some (then-) new words, like “Excuse me” – “Naa ma.” Plus it’s kinda funny to see her waking Julia up.
Slice of Life from Christopher Tassava on Vimeo.
Why does your Twit say “summer solstice”?
It’s the autumnal equinox tomorrow, not the solstice – that’s June, my man.
Unfortunately, your video for this post is showing up as “Private Video” with an image of a lock on the screen…
Boy, I’m going at about half speed with the web 2.0 stuff, eh? I fixed the video; it should show up now. (So much for Vimeo making my videos public by default…) As for my “summer solstice” error – well, that’s just stupidity. (Though I’ve taken advantage of Twitter’s delete feature now.)
Twitting means never having to say you’re sorry.
I distinctly hear “Ooo-eee-aa” for Julia, and “ooo-mee” for excuse me. Hypoverbal, well, not much longer I’d say.